American Heart Month

When was February designated American Heart Month?

Here’s an even more interesting question: who or what made the proclamation?

- The American Heart Association
- The US Surgeon General
- The American Medical Association
- President Lyndon B Johnson

(The correct answer to both questions is President Johnson in 1964.) 📅

My family has a long history of heart attack and stroke. My grandfather died of a heart attack. His wife, my grandmother, had several mini-strokes. My dad had more than one stroke that left him bed-bound and unable to speak. My mother had a stroke which also affected her ability to talk. My brother has been in intensive care for blood clots.

The handwriting is on the wall for me, so being physically active and eating properly is constantly on my mind.

Here is a photo of my husband and me at a pickleball match. How do you like to stay active?